Jan 19, 2008

Help for Apologising

One of the most difficult things is to apologise, I am told. Given the importance of this issue, I am musing boldly this time - I mean, this post is given in big letters.

Unfortunately, none of us are used to do things which are 100% evil. If we do purely evil things, then it will be just easy to apologise. "I should not have killed. I killed. Sorry. I apologise" would have just summed up the feeling.

But, in our 'mistakes', evil feeling is adulterated with many other impure things like misunderstanding, perceptions, etc. And, I am sure, even when we say 'Sorry', it is normally dressed up with all sorts of excuses, justifications, explanations and what not !
So, it requires skill to apologise. In this modern era of multiple-choice questions and computer-scanning answer sheets, it will not do to be eloquent in our apologies. It is not enough if you just hang around with a long face like this dog below or go with a bunch of flowers like the rat above.

You need to give it in writing. It should be properly documented. Your response needs to be categorised, analysed and filed in the database for future reference.

So, how about some pre-printed format in which we can apologise to our near and dear ? Here is one such format - called Form A-001. Click on it to see a clear version in a new window.

Remember to fill - in all - three copies. The first grey one to go to aggrieved party (apologisee ?), the second pink copy is sent to a mutual friend (if one exists), the third yellow copy is filed for future reference (and to have a good laugh - "remember the time, when we had a small tiff ?!") with the apologisor.

Department of Communication will notify any changes in the form and if Form A-002 (or Form B-001) is released.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice musings!!! I juz came across while searching for an alf all the way!!! hmmm the name hit me twice so I lobbed into yo site!! well..may be its two persons with the same name!! anyways!! its good if its up for a laff!!!! do visit my blog when you got time!! take care!!