After reading my last blog on our new house, there have been comments from friends ! Questions, doubts, snide remarks ! So, I think, I should better answer all these people with another post on our house, howmuchever I don't like to write about my personal life ...
Of the two photographs you have posted, one is of the house from outside and another is from the house of the outside (sic). So, are we to assume that the inside is not photogenic ?
No. Here is a photo of our 'living room', which is as photogenic as it can be (without us in the picture). Another view of the same room is given at the bottom of this post.

What do you mean by your policy of non-event ?
Oh that ? Durga and myself are not really used to organising big parties or functions or celebrations for any personal events in our life. Quiet and simple life, you see.
Even our wedding, readers may remember, was a simple affair - we got married at 6.30 in the morning in a temple, had breakfast with everyone by about 8.30; and by 10.30, Durga was in the school attending a class and I was in the Hospital to continue work on a software I was creating those days for our insurance programme ! Now, you understand our policy of non-events ?
So, you didn't do any ritual related to house-warming ?
Of course, we had a cute little ritual of
பால் காய்ச்சுதல் (boiling over of milk) in the new house, a few days before we actually moved. On 7th May, at an auspicious hour (as prescribed by my mother), we boiled over the milk.

We had the pleasure of our friends Bala-Viji and their kids Madhu and Arun with us that day. Madhu, Arun and Vennila sang some wonderful
slokas and songs. It was wonderful. (Will write more about them later in another blog).
Durga's efficiency. Vennila's cooperation. Fine. What about you ? It looks like you didn't do much (as usual) ...?
Hmmm...Next question, please !
How small is small ?
It is enough for three of us; to keep all our things; our two computers; and, books. More than us, the guests who may visit us will have to adjust !! (If Circuit of Munna Bhai visits our house, he will surely say,
अरे भाई, ये रूम शुरू होते होते ही, खत्म होगया !)
But, I must warn you about our bathroom and toilet. It is built for Indians, more specifically short Indians. If anyone has ideas of dancing while taking bath, that is surely out. Tall (defined as anything above 175 cm) people should sit and take bath. Washing clothes, of course, can be done outside with that wonderful view mentioned in the last blog.
I believe, this answers all your questions.