Nov 16, 2008

Obama and Change

The most buzzing word in the world today is Change. Obama has given it a fillip in this Presidential election that no other word would have got. But, can he change things? Got this cartoon from Premila today saying there isn't any big change in Obama becoming the President of America. Click on it to read the letters!

I too am quite doubtful - what one man can do? Born and brought up with Democratic ideals and the virtues of parliament, I am a bit sceptical about the electoral system of America which talks so much about the White House, but not so much about the Congressmen and Senators.

But, on the other hand, if one man can cause so much havoc in the world, we can just hope another man can also cause change! It took just one George W. Bush to bring America to such a stage - unilateralism in world affairs, unwanted war in Iraq, global financial turmoil (even as late as yesterday, he said in the G-20 meetings that we should all swear by unlimited capitalism and free market and warned us that we should not go back to 'protect the economy'!).

One thing is already evident. He has already inspired our politicians in India. Each one clamouring to say that change is coming to India and he (or She) is the Indian Obama. Is Mayawati the Obama of India? Is actor Chiranjeevi the Obama of Andhra Pradesh? While talking about our office accounts, I almost said, "let us change this voucher. Yes, we can", and felt like the Obama of Thottamoola road!

Anyway, inspiring people is one thing. Inspiring machinery (the official one) is another. The bureaucracy, state systems, national and international institutions etc. are so much clogged that I wonder whether any one person - however inspiring - can do anything. Let us hope that Obama can bring about a change and optimism in the minds of young people about politics.

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