Oct 6, 2007


Two news items published in the Hindu on 19th September next to each other :
Turning 112
The world's oldest man, Tomoji Tanabe, celebrated his 112th birthday on Tuesday, in Miyazaki, Japan, saying he wanted to live forever.

Death Notice
A New Zealand woman, 76, posted her own death notice in a newspaper, urging friends and relatives not to mourn her too much.

Age and growing old are constantly appearing in conversations these days. Automatically 'elevated' to senior citizen status in the office, among colleagues and friends. Will write much more about Ageing later. But, a quick comment sent by Anita on this - from the Foreword to the book ‘The Naked Eye – Travels in search of the Human Species’ by Desmond Morris.

“Although the short chapters in this book are fragmentary and episodic, and a great deal has inevitably been omitted, the intention throughout has been to convey the wonderfully varied pleasures available to anyone living on this small planet who manages to sustain an inquisitive eye, a childlike wonder and a sense of humour.

It is true that the ageing process always involves an increase in rigid thinking, firmly held opinions and hardened attitudes. But although we cannot defeat physical ageing to remain young in body, we can do a great deal to stay young in mind. The trick is to never stop asking questions and never stop exploring, whether it be new places or new ideas.

And it helps to perform at least one eccentric act each day, no matter how small. Nearly all the great discoveries made by mankind have come from exploiting a lucky accident. But you stand no chance of encountering such an accident if your life is too neatly organized and routine-dominated. A search for novelty cannot guarantee exciting discoveries, but you can be certain that without it there will be none."

Will help you all with a list of eccentric acts that you can choose from. (Not that you will be short of ideas, if you are my friend already !!)

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