Jun 30, 2009

'Special' Day

In the last post, I had written about some people getting excited by special numbers. Just to prove my point, here is another such incident. Excitement about a Special Day.
On August 7 , 2009

At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of August this year, the time and date will be

12:34:56 07/08/09

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This email was received a few days ago and ends with a very poignant question, "this will never happen again in our lifetime?"

It is not only numbers, people are excited strange behaviour of dates and days also. All of you mark in your diaries in any case : "Do something extraordinary on August 7th just half an hour after noon"

Jun 26, 2009

Divisions and Remainders

Q : What is the first number that leaves a remainder of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 respectively, when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 ?
How the hell someone is expected to answer complicated questions like this? That too, it is so much annoying when this question has appeared in the 'Young World' magazine meant for small kids! And, on top of it, you will probably see a whole lot of today's children answering such questions as well.

That is not the point. What I am trying to say is, 'why would someone crunch numbers starting from zero upwards and find out what remainder it leaves when it is divided by a series of numbers? What was their motivation to do something like this?

I may think what is so exciting about finding out a number like this. But, I am sure, whoever first found out this, might have been thrilled to bits. The 'Young World' even had a title 'Fun Maths' and mentioned that it is an unique, special number! Special, ugh!!

Someone accidentally may stumble upon a fact like this, but will there be people who purposely work on issues like this and find out an answer?

OK, I guess, it makes all sorts to make the world. If I can exist, some freaks like this can also.
By the way, the answer for the question above is 119, it seems. I didn't bother to verify if it leaves all those remainders when divided by all those numbers...

Jun 20, 2009

Personality Test

Nambi sent a web link on Personality Test. He mentioned that this sort of test is used to see if people have the traits required to be corporate leaders. Or, he thought that people with Personality A characteristics only can become good corporate leaders. And, he also mentioned that he got a score of 52 and predicted that all of us will get between 45 and 55.

As I am not a corporate leader, I thought I am going to fail this personality test. But, still was curious to know how this website finds out about my personality when I myself have problems figuring out what is my personality. So, went to the website and filled all those questions. It hardly took 5 minutes. I was sure that my score will be 10 or 15, but was surprised to get 38.

Now, what does 38 mean? Have I just failed or am I a 'border case'? If someone has given the same responses as I gave, I would have described that fellow as "someone without taking any position in life; being wishy-washy; quite a laid back attitude in life; not matching ideals with the kind of hard-work required" etc. etc. But, do you know how was my personality described? Here it is:
"You have got 38. You seem to be in the middle between the Type A and Type B personality. In this case, the middle ground is good. Your attitude to life is more of the "smell the roses" kind and you know how and when to relax. Nonetheless, you realize that picking up a challenge and competing a little bit for your place in the sun can add some spice to your life. The equilibrium is important, so don't let your hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude towards life."
Till then I was cooking up reasons and arguments to rubbish this sort of web personlity tests. But, after reading this glowing tribute to my personality, I am going to even argue that this is scientific, what a terrific method to analyse people and what not. You can try out this website just for fun. Here is the link.

I wonder, what would have been the score for Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Ratan Tata or Mukesh Ambani ...

Jun 16, 2009

Dilbert's One Liners

By now, you would all have become sick with my admiration for Dilbert comics. But, I think, they are terrific. May be, that suits my sense of humour, I guess. Nothing looks at the animal called organisation, or issues like employees and employers and work culture and all that sort of rot, as interestingly as Dilbert Comics does. Take this mission statement of the Manager for instance.
Recently, Bala sent a series of one liners which Dilbert believes. Many of them are my motto in life too. So, here they are.

1. I say no to alcohol, it just doesn't listen.
2. In order to get a Loan, you first need to prove that you don't need it.
3. Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce.
4. Work is fine if it doesn't take too much of your time.
5. When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.
6. The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train.
7. Born free, taxed to death.
8. Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
9. Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first.
10. Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.

11. If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants.
12. It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.
13. I love being a writer... what I can't stand is the paperwork.
14. A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.
15. The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.
16. The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it.
17. In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills?
18. If you can't convince them, confuse them.
19. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end.
20. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.
21. To Err is human; to forgive is not a Company policy.
22. The road to success - Is always under construction.
23. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does Milk.
24. All the desirable things in life are illegal, expensive, fattening or married to someone else.

Aren't they gems?

PS : In Cavincare, I wonder whether Bala is the pointy haired Boss or Dogbert, the CEO?

Jun 13, 2009

பிள்ளையார் (or) Lord Ganapathi

One of the nicest things about Hinduism, in my view, is the possibility of having numerous Gods - in all sorts of forms and shapes. Each has its own charm. And, of course, முருகன் or Lord Subramanya is our Tamil God and we grew up listening to wonderful stories about Him. But, my all time favourite god is பிள்ளையார் or, what North Indians call as Ganapathi.

He is the dream of every artist. Maximum experimentation of design and shapes has happened only in the case of this Lord, I think. Quite a few people are quite fascinated by this elephant god and the little mouse. Though stories about Ganapathi are not so enchanting as, say Shiva or Murugan, He makes it up with his appearances.

Here is a glimpse of the varieties of this God. Hope all of you enjoy this collection.

Don't you think, He is marvellous?

Jun 10, 2009


According to various people, the reasons for India's problems are quite different. Some people consider corruption as the main reason; some others feel our discriminatory caste system as the culprit. Even others feel it is our inequality, while lack of education is another major stumbling block. But, according to me, Alcoholism is the biggest evil of India.

I don't know about other countries, but extrapolating the men of India, probably, it will be the biggest evil in any other under-developed country, I think.

The amount of money spent on alcohol by the village men is way too high, given the resources required to lead a better, healthy life for the family. If every man decides not to drink alcohol, that itself will make a huge change in the economy of our villages. Governments like Tamilnadu understand this weakness very well. They give rice at a very subsidised rate to the family, then the government sells alcohol to the men and collect the subsidy money back from the family... It is atrocious.

I guess, Musings is not the place to write about such issues. I wanted to write some light stuff about the 'social drinking' of urban upper class only. But, I forgot what it was. Some other time, probably.

Personally for me, to spend money to lose consciousness is not very much appealing. Want to enjoy every moment of this life - as I don't know how long it will last - with full consciousness. Why would someone drink and become unconscious, I never understood.

Jun 7, 2009

Rat Race

Everyone is talking about rat races these days. When we were young (long ago) and the only purpose of studying in school / college was to get a good, well-paying job, we did not know that there is something called a Rat Race. All we wanted was a secure job, a nice house, that is it. All other problems in life are considered as 'given's and taken for granted.

But, today, all the young people are talking about competition in the world, rat race and the need to move forward by overtaking others and what not. What is this rat race? Why not monkey race or donkey race? This is what wikipedia says about rat race.
A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape whilst running around a maze or in a wheel.

In an analogy to the modern city, many rats in a single maze run around making lots of noise bumping into each other, but ultimately achieve nothing (meaningful) either collectively or individually.
In these days of job loss and recession and lay-offs, I thought people may not be too worried about rat races - somehow, they would like to be in race, I thought. But, many people are quitting their jobs voluntarily - even now. They want to reassess their priorities in life, what they really want to do etc. This 'break' from job seems to have opened up many people's eyes that work is not everything. Here is a banker who quit the job recently:

In general I would recommend not to worry too much, money isn’t everything, a job is just that – a job and you can survive anywhere on this planet. People do that every day, with less and being happier. So why not overthink your current life and decide what can you change now for a better you?
Sounds nice and easy. But, it takes enormous courage to do that. I am normally considered by all my friends as someone who did not participate in the race at all - right from the beginning. Many of the insecurities associated with rat race have not affected any of my colleagues in Gudalur. I am thankful for their company, of course.

And, finally, a wise crack to the people who run around the maze wheel:
The winner of the rat race is still a rat.

Jun 3, 2009

Prayer at modern times

I would suggest to God that s/he should do an analysis of the changing tune of the prayers over the years (or centuries). As God is immortal, s/he would have listened to prayers from human beings - from the days of early primates to the people in modern times. Mari sent a nice email about one such prayer recently.

As a motherboard is as close and precious to each one of us as our mothers, this prayer will be universally appreciated by everyone, I thought. So, sharing it here...

Dear Lord,

Every single evening
As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head.

God bless all my family
Wherever they may be,
Keep them warm and safe from harm
For they're so close to me.

And God, there is one more thing
I wish that you could do,
Hope you don't mind me asking
Please bless my computer too.

Now I know that it's unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.

You see that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends,
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.

I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.

By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you,
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.

Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.

Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits send.

When you update your Heavenly list
On your own CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.com.


I am sure, the generatioNext will be texting their prayers, rather than typing such a long (even if poetic) prayer! God better be techno-savvy...