Jun 7, 2009

Rat Race

Everyone is talking about rat races these days. When we were young (long ago) and the only purpose of studying in school / college was to get a good, well-paying job, we did not know that there is something called a Rat Race. All we wanted was a secure job, a nice house, that is it. All other problems in life are considered as 'given's and taken for granted.

But, today, all the young people are talking about competition in the world, rat race and the need to move forward by overtaking others and what not. What is this rat race? Why not monkey race or donkey race? This is what wikipedia says about rat race.
A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape whilst running around a maze or in a wheel.

In an analogy to the modern city, many rats in a single maze run around making lots of noise bumping into each other, but ultimately achieve nothing (meaningful) either collectively or individually.
In these days of job loss and recession and lay-offs, I thought people may not be too worried about rat races - somehow, they would like to be in race, I thought. But, many people are quitting their jobs voluntarily - even now. They want to reassess their priorities in life, what they really want to do etc. This 'break' from job seems to have opened up many people's eyes that work is not everything. Here is a banker who quit the job recently:

In general I would recommend not to worry too much, money isn’t everything, a job is just that – a job and you can survive anywhere on this planet. People do that every day, with less and being happier. So why not overthink your current life and decide what can you change now for a better you?
Sounds nice and easy. But, it takes enormous courage to do that. I am normally considered by all my friends as someone who did not participate in the race at all - right from the beginning. Many of the insecurities associated with rat race have not affected any of my colleagues in Gudalur. I am thankful for their company, of course.

And, finally, a wise crack to the people who run around the maze wheel:
The winner of the rat race is still a rat.

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