Jun 26, 2009

Divisions and Remainders

Q : What is the first number that leaves a remainder of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 respectively, when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 ?
How the hell someone is expected to answer complicated questions like this? That too, it is so much annoying when this question has appeared in the 'Young World' magazine meant for small kids! And, on top of it, you will probably see a whole lot of today's children answering such questions as well.

That is not the point. What I am trying to say is, 'why would someone crunch numbers starting from zero upwards and find out what remainder it leaves when it is divided by a series of numbers? What was their motivation to do something like this?

I may think what is so exciting about finding out a number like this. But, I am sure, whoever first found out this, might have been thrilled to bits. The 'Young World' even had a title 'Fun Maths' and mentioned that it is an unique, special number! Special, ugh!!

Someone accidentally may stumble upon a fact like this, but will there be people who purposely work on issues like this and find out an answer?

OK, I guess, it makes all sorts to make the world. If I can exist, some freaks like this can also.
By the way, the answer for the question above is 119, it seems. I didn't bother to verify if it leaves all those remainders when divided by all those numbers...

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