Sep 25, 2007

Error Messages

There are quite a few interesting things I have to share with everyone on error messages that we get from the computer - mainly Windows. Like the one given here :

Figuring them out and to decide what to do next is a big dilemma ! For example, when I see a message warning 'Fatal Error' in the monitor, I get extremely worried and wonder whether to press the only-available 'OK' button - there is no 'Cancel' button when I get such a terrible message from Microsoft.

Vennila, of course, has an easy way of handling the error messages. If there is one button, click it. If there are two buttons, click on the right one. If there are three buttons, click on the middle one ! Simple solution.

Will share some funny error messages in the future blogs. Here is the first one. Click on it to open in a New Window and to see all the messages.

The best in this lot is : "Bad Command or file name. Go, Stand in the Corner !"

Enjoy !

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