Nov 2, 2008

To keep the Equilibrium

Quite a few people think that I am useless. This is a majority and I am happy to say that I too subscribe to this view. However, there is a lunatic fringe which considers me as a very useful person dedicated to my work and convictions. And, what not! This fringe seems to be growing and I am alarmed!

I need to take steps. I invite this group to visit my home. If you can come to my parent's place, still better. Just a few days of stay there will dispel any myth you may have about my utility and helping tendencies. A perfect slob and an invalid-by-choice will be on display. While all the womenfolk slog it out in the kitchen and elsewhere, you can witness Manoharan passively consuming all the delicacies and read and drink (tea) and sleep.

During Diwali 2008, I came out with an intellectual explanation for this criminal laziness.
"I do this to keep the equilibrium of my image and get a thick edge which insulates me from the adulation of the misinformed folks.

I help them join the mainstream."
Are you in the mainstream or in the lunatic fringe?

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