The gap in blogging during the last 2 weeks was, ironically, more to do with me becoming slightly better healthwise! Friends like Satya have written, "You write a blog post soon. Or, I will call you from Brazil!!", or something to that effect. (Such threats are much better and soothing than, "if you write another blog post, I will call the Police.." etc.!!)
OK, to quickly keep everone updated. The milk diet is agreeing with me. I am generally drinking the mandatory 2 Litres of milk every day. If 6 months ago, someone had said that I will be drinking milk, only milk and nothing but milk for my survival, I would have laughed my head off. But, incredibly that is what is happening. As soon as I finish the last gulp and keep the glass down, Durga will keep another one filled!!
I have not become a milk expert yet. That is, by drinking the milk, I won't be able to make out if the cow was happy today or had a tiff with her colleague; or, if the cow had green grass or cowfeed pellets etc. I am sure, intelligent chaps will be able to make out all these by drinking that day's milk. May be, by the time the treatment ends, I should be able to cultivate some of these skills. At least to be able to say if the cow had a proper sleep the previous night or not. Let us keep the horns crossed!
And, I could do a lot of 'official' work too during this period. Almost back to normal, though sitting at home. My favourite programming stuff on javascript and database applications has been keeping me busy and I am much ahead of the deadlines I had set for myself. In a hurry too. Will meet the ayurveda doctor this month end to know the progress on the liver front.
And, had some long-lost friends visiting us at Gudalur. As there are no side-effects of medication lingering and I am able to punish these friends with my jokes, it has been a good time. And, we laughed a lot during the last 2 weeks than the prevous three months...
So, To Satya, and other millions of fans who are worried by my silence, I am fine.