Oct 23, 2007

Some more Error Messages

Here are some more error messages from our friendly computer - mainly using Windows.

First, a medical error message.

Problems like this happened when we tried to introduce computers to our adivasi nurses in the hospital. They could not understand why we didn't think of immunising the computer (or the users) much before the virus struck !

Many a times, Microsoft itself is confused a bit. They figured out something is wrong, but what is it ?

When you do not get any 'communication' from Microsoft for quite some time, you feel something is wrong. That is the time, you should get something random like this ...

Of course, such a rare phenomenon normally catches them also in surprise. They can't believe that there wasn't an error in the operating system so long.

Mighty pleased with themselves, Microsoft guys will start patting their own backs.

One of the first things I do, when I sit in a new computer is to switch off the Office Nuisance, I mean, the Office Assistant. The OA thinks too much of itself and we must put it in proper place. See, one can't even commit suicide without this fellow popping up ...

The best is of course when they try to say, there isn't anything wrong with their software, but the problem is YOU !

How do you like that !!

PS :

However, there are some people who need constant support from the Office Assistants. Here is one such gentleman ...

1 comment:

subhash said...

hahha the Bush one is great... i am becoming a greater fan of yours day by day