Jul 5, 2008

Square Watermelons

Nambi sent a mail from Chennai, praising the creativity (and ingenuity) of the Japanese farmers.
A round watermelon can take up a lot of room in a refrigerator and the usually round fruit often sits awkwardly on refrigerator shelves.

Smart Japanese Farmers have forced their watermelons to grow into a square shape by inserting the melons intosquare, tempered glass cases while the fruit is still growing on the vine.

And, our Bala (also from Chennai) also thinks that it is a great idea.
The watermelons was a great space saving work – it helps to reduce the storage space in transport and retail.
Bala also mentioned that all our Indian farmers tie stones to Gourds so that they grow longer. Our snakegourds grew longer due to the weight of the stones

I never felt that I am interfering with God's work with stones tied to snakegourds, but, with the square watermelons, God may feel that we are getting into His / Her territory. Compared to the news of 'Pregnant Man delivers a baby', these square watermelons are nothing, of course.

I was just wondering, why stop only with watermelons. Let us play it square with other species as well. If it is a good idea to grow them square so as to minimise transportation and optimise storage space, how about growing children likewise ? In countries like India, we need methods to store / stack children so that they occupy less space in the schools, buses and cinema theatres. Probably, we have more children than watermelons, and hence our scientists should pay immediate attention to their design.

Someone suggested whether we can make our kids elastic and compressible. No, no, not combustible, (that they are already), I meant Compressible. In Japan, they will surely do it...

1 comment:

Shikha Bhattacharji said...

People do the craziest things in the name of convenience! we've also noticed that hardly ANY thing in its natural state is square in shape...but humans seem to have plenty of them - houses, buildings,fridges to put your square watermelons in!