Dec 1, 2008

Mumbai Mania

Deeply distressed by the terror strikes in Mumbai. Reading all the different things itself is taking time. Didn't have time to muse.

But, many ordinary people seem to have done their bit to save others. Like in any tragedy, this element came out once again.

NSG commondoes, fire service personnel, Mumbai Police and many other public servants are the heroes of the hour. For once, the country, media and the entire public seem to be appreciative of them and publicly cheering. This will motivate them, I am sure.

Of course, politicians are the villans in everybody's eyes. Running down each other - even during this tragedy.

Personally for me, the 24x7 news channels were bigger villans. Happened to go near television one of these days and I was disgusted at the way they were covering the operations. For them, terror is the most attractive marketable commodity.

Being Indian, will get over things quite fast and everything will be as normal as before in a day or two. But, right now, feeling sad and depressed.

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