Nov 3, 2009

Women buying things

Recently saw a film called 'confessions of a shopaholic'. One of those chick-flicks. But, one hilarious scene I liked in that movie. A spoof of the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, in which all these shopaholics meet and take a vow that they will never shop again!

There were some men in that gathering, but why is it that women are considered more shopahoilcs than men? May be, men like me totally abdicate our responsibility of bringing home the bacon (I mean, bread), so women take up that role. Or, because women are more particular, quality conscious, insist on value for money etc. Men cannot be bothered about finer details?

In any case, one of the ancient cliches is that women spend too much time buying things. I don't have any problem with that. But, it becomes a bit sticky only when you have to give your views on this or that.

As long as I can stay outside the shop looking at all those who come for shopping, it is fine. Irresponsible? Indecisive? Call me whatever, but I can't shop.

1 comment:

Gouthami said...

While very few men like to shop, research shows that most shopaholics are women!!! No gender issue there! Just the way the brain is wired.