Dec 17, 2011

Hb crosses double digit mark!!

All kinds of figures are followed very closely in the world today on a daily basis. Inflation rate, food inflation rate, unemployment rate, rupee vs dollar rate and what not. The graphs go up and down, tumble down giving investors sleepless nights, sky-rocketing (along with the blood pressure of comman man) etc.

But, Manoharan and his family is keeping close tab on another figure. The Hb (Haemoglobin) count. During chemotherapy days, it went as low as 5.8 needing emergency blood transfusion etc. So, last month, when the CMC doctor very wisely decided to stop chemotherapy, he just mentioned to keep tab on the Hb count.

Then, started the ayurveda treatment. In Gudalur, we have tested thrice during the last one month and each time the the Hb count has moved by 0.2 points or so. The latest figure received from the lab yesterday says, my Hb count is 10 now!

The popular interpretation is that the body is doing quite okay, since the Hb is by itself increasing slowly - even with just milk as the diet. So, I should be becoming better.

Will confirm after meeting the ayurveda doctor once again on 24th for an assessment.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Great to hear that your count is up Manoharan! Look forward to seeing you in Bangalore tomorrow. As usual, have some tech type questions for you lined up here!